Pine Siskin Photo-Addiction

Posted on by Melissa Penta

I think I have an addiction – an addiction of photographing the Pine Siskins who have been visiting my deck this winter. My Flickr followers must be getting sick of seeing upload-after-upload of Pine Siskins (I try to break it up a bit with some other birds). How could I not photograph them though? I get anywhere from thirty to seventy visitors at a time. They are very active and don’t even mind it if I stand outside with them.

I do not want to flood my Facebook followers with all of these Siskin photos since there are so many that I like, so I will share a bulk of them in this post.

I get plenty of photos of my Pine Siskins on the branches that are attached to my feeder poles.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

When it snows, I get even more photos.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

I set up my old Christmas tree, a Fraser Fir, in-between two of my feeders. The birds use it as cover and a place to wait their turn.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

They often perch on the top branches.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

And at the very top of the tree.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

These birds are one of the most aggressive song birds I’ve seen at feeders. They spend more time defending their territory than they do actually feeding. I have five stations set up for them – two thistle feeders, two black oil sun flower seed tubes and a sunflower heart tube. They also go after the suet and seed cakes. Still, they decide to fight each other. If they spent less time fighting, they would not use up so much energy!

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

On a day that I had around seventy birds, I took a video with my phone. They did not seem to mind me and kept up their routine like I was not even standing there.

I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I liked taking them!

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