Current Topic: Woodpeckers

Backyard Begging – It’s Fledgling Season!

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This is my favorite time of year for backyard birding. Parent birds are bringing their begging babies to my yard and tirelessly giving them food from my bird feeders.

Common Grackle family

Common Grackle family

The parents are very often attentive and I hardly ever see them actually feed themselves.

Northern Cardinal mom feeding young

Northern Cardinal mom feeding young

Chipping Sparrow feeding young

Chipping Sparrow feeding young

House Finch Family

House Finch Family

American Goldfinch dad feeding young

American Goldfinch dad feeding young

The young woodpeckers seem to be the most patient and often quietly wait for their meal, not far off from Mom and Dad. They are also the most fun to watch as they attempt to cling anywhere and everywhere.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Young Downy Woodpecker

Young Downy Woodpecker

Some birds, like the Crows and Jays will continuously beg even though the parents ignore them.

Young American Crow begging to an adult

Young American Crow begging to an adult

Begging Blue Jay

Begging Blue Jay

Others show up after they are already on their own and shyly feed themselves.

Young Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Young Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Young Cedar Waxwing

Young Cedar Waxwing

Feeding young is a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Local Nesting Birds

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I have not been out birding much lately and have been very busy with some big changes in my life – I apologize for slacking with my posting! To make up for it, I will share photos of all of the nesting birds that I found locally this year. Most of the photos are not that great – this is because I observe them from a safe distance and do not want to disturb the nests!!

The only nest I found near my yard, so far, is a Red-bellied Woodpecker cavity. They made it easy to find by constantly calling from the tree. I am still waiting to see the fledglings come to my feeders.

Red-bellied Woodpecker in cavity

Red-bellied Woodpecker in cavity

I found some nests while out in the field just by seeing birds fly into them.

American Goldfinch on nest

American Goldfinch on nest

Red-eyed Vireo on nest

Red-eyed Vireo on nest

Blue Jay on nest

Blue Jay on nest

And others were pointed out to me by friends who already knew the location.

Canada Goose on nest

Canada Goose on nest

Wood Thrush in nest

Wood Thrush in nest on my friends property

There is an abandoned building nearby that Cliff Swallows like to nest on every year. Unfortunately, right after we saw them this year the property owners knocked down all of their work.

Cliff Swallows builing nest

Cliff Swallows building nest

While out on a trip with my local birding club, we found a female Baltimore Oriole building a nest right above the road. I re-found this nest over the weekend, but did not scout it out to see if it was active.

Baltimore Oriole building her nest

Baltimore Oriole building her nest

I’ve also found various birds carrying nesting materials – of course, they are very cautious when someone is watching them.

Common Yellowthroat with nesting material

Common Yellowthroat with nesting material

Dark-eyed Junco with nesting material

Dark-eyed Junco with nesting material

American Crow with moss

American Crow with moss

To end this off on a cute note, I will share a non-avian nest – I found this Groundhog den at a local park. The young would crowd around the opening, forage and play.

Ground Hog den

Ground Hog den with four young

Already Thinking About Next Year’s Biggest Week…


I still have my mind on the Biggest Week in American Birding. It was an unforgettable experience that will be tough to top. I saw 150 species of birds and had twelve – yes TWELVE – life birds. Last week, I wrote a post about some highlights from my trip. This week, I will continue by sharing some photos to show you what can be expected if you decide to attend next year – yes – I am already thinking about next year…

This Clay-colored Sparrow was a life bird!

This Clay-colored Sparrow was a life bird!

Birds, birds and more birds

Beautiful birds are everywhere you look!

Cape May Warbler from the boardwalk tower

Cape May Warbler from the boardwalk tower

Baltimore Oriole near the boardwalk parking lot

Baltimore Oriole near the boardwalk parking lot

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher taken from the boardwalk tower

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher taken from the boardwalk tower

You will see more than just birds

Aside from birds, you can see some cute mammals, rare snakes and many turtles.

This Raccoon was playing peek-a-boo with me

This Raccoon was playing peek-a-boo with me

Do not let the crowds scare you away

Crowds will form where there are good birds – the good thing about these crowds is that someone in it will see a good bird so no bird goes unseen. When they spot a bird they will let you know what they are looking at and help you find it. I took some photos with my phone of the crowds, both what I saw…

What's that? A Golden-winged Warbler?

What’s that? A Golden-winged Warbler?

And some viewpoints from the birds…

A bird's view from the ground

A bird’s view from the ground

A bird's eye view of the boardwalk

A bird’s eye view of the boardwalk

There are other great spot to visit

If the crowds are too much for you, there are quiet spots both on and off the boardwalk to visit. You do not have to even stay at Magee Marsh – you can also go to the trails at Maumee Bay State Park, take the auto tour at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, go for a day trip to Oak Openings, watch birds from the Windows On Wildlife at Pearson Metropark, look for waterbirds at Metzger… there are so many great hotspots!

Red-bellied Woodpecker at taken from the "Windows on Wildlife"

Red-bellied Woodpecker at taken from the “Windows on Wildlife”

Beautiful view from Oak Openings

Beautiful view from Oak Openings, taken with my phone

Hard-to-see birds will be in someone’s sights

How many times can you say that you’ve seen a Whip-poor-will perched in a tree??

Other birders directed us to this Whip-poor-will

Other birders directed us to this Whip-poor-will

You can test top-of-the-line scopes and binoculars at Optics Alley

I think this photo speaks for itself…

The scope line-up at Optics Alley

The scope line-up at Optics Alley

Bird by day, hang out by night!

Birds & Blooms hosted a karaoke night. I did not sing, but those who did gave a great show!

Kim Kaufman killed it on the karaoke floor

Kim Kaufman killed it on the karaoke floor

There are other great events during the day

While we were making our way out of Magee Marsh, we stopped at the visitor center and were surprised by some live birds of prey from Back to the Wild. These birds were injured and cannot be returned to the wild, so they are now used for educational purposes. It was nice to get some photos of more cooperative birds. And further down the road at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, they were banding wild songbirds – they had a Northern Waterthrush when we were there.

This young Peregrine Falcon was flapping around

This young Peregrine Falcon was flapping around

This Bald Eagle was hit by a train and is now blind in one eye with an injured wing

This Bald Eagle was hit by a train and is now blind in one eye with an injured wing

My favorite little raptor, the American Kestrel

My favorite little raptor, the American Kestrel

I hope to see a Barn Owl in the wild some time soon

I hope to see a Barn Owl in the wild some time soon

This Barred Owl was keeping an eye on us

This Barred Owl was keeping an eye on us

The Great Horned Owl was not as angry as he looks

The Great Horned Owl was not as angry as he looks

You will make new friends

It was great birding with friends who we met last year – even after seeing them a year ago at 2012’s Biggest Week, we connected like we see each other all the time. We also met many new friends along the way. Everyone, from the bloggers to the guides to visitors on the boardwalk were pleasant to be around and we could not ask to be around a better group of people!

Kim Kaufman's sand art

Kim Kaufman’s sand art

Did I mention that there are lots of great birds to be seen?

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

American Bittern out in the open on the Magee causeway

American Bittern out in the open on the Magee causeway

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

American Woodcock right next to the boardwalk

American Woodcock right next to the boardwalk

And most of all, you can gain…

Life birds, life friends and life experiences

Celebrating One Hundred Yard Birds

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Today, I took a better look at my yard bird list because I thought I hit the 100th milestone with a singing Wood Thrush. Well, it turns out that I did not hit it today – I hit it last month without realizing it! The Thrush ended up being number 103, making a Barn Swallow that I saw two days ago number 102 and an Eastern Screech-Owl that I heard number 101. Number 100 went to a good one and I wish I knew it at the time – I was outside talking to a friend about yard birds and I mentioned that I have been trying to see Bald Eagles migrate overhead so that I can get it as a yard bird. Ten minutes later, guess who came flying low over the creek while we were standing in my driveway? A Bald Eagle. I did not know it then, but that was yard bird number 100!

I will celebrate this huge milestone with a list of my yard birds and, of course, some photos taken from my yard.

I have some birds who stick around all throughout the year, my true residents and feeder birds

Northern Cardinal
Black-capped Chickadee
American Crow
Mourning Dove
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Blue Jay
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Sparrow
Song Sparrow
European Starling
Tufted Titmouse
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Carolina Wren

Some birds are here year-round but do not show up often, or show up more in one season than another

Eastern Bluebird
Brown Creeper
Dark-eyed Junco
Ring-necked Pheasant

And Hawks who watch them or are seen flying over the house

Cooper’s Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk

Some birds stay to breed and I see or hear them throughout the summer, but they migrate south in the winter

Gray Catbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Purple Finch
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Baltimore Oriole
Eastern Phoebe
Chipping Sparrow
American Robin
Field Sparrow (heard only, seen in woods)
Veery (heard only, seen in woods)
Red-eyed Vireo
Turkey Vulture (flying)
Common Yellowthroat (heard only)
Cedar Waxwing
House Wren

Others stay to breed but I only see or hear them once in a while

Indigo Bunting
Brown-headed Cowbird
Northern Flicker
Ruffed Grouse (heard only)
Ovenbird (heard only, seen in woods)
American Redstart
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Barn Swallow (flying)
Tree Swallow (flying)
Chimney Swift (flying)
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Yellow Warbler

These birds stay throughout the winter but breed further north

Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
Pine Siskin
American Tree Sparrow

My yard gets a lot of migrating birds who come through in waves

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-headed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Bay-breasted Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Wilson’s Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler

And birds who come during migration and stay for a few days or even weeks

Fox Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow

Also birds who I’ve seen migrating over my house, both high and low

Double-crested Cormorant
Snow Goose
Broad-winged Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Common Raven

These birds are usually flying to or from the neighborhood creek

Mallard (flying, vocalizing)
Canada Goose (foraging across the street)
Green Heron (perched in a tree!)
Great Blue Heron (flying)
Killdeer (flying, vocalizing)
Belted Kingfisher (flying, vocalizing)
Common Merganser (flying, vocalizing)

I’ve only seen or heard these birds once, but hope they return soon

Bald Eagle (flying)
Northern Mockingbird
Osprey (flying)
Rock Pigeon (flying)
Eastern Screech-Owl (heard only)
Swainson’s Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Wood Thrush (heard only, seen in woods)
American Woodcock (heard only)

Pileated Woodpecker

Brown Creeper

Ring-necked Pheasant

Cooper's Hawk

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Baltimore Oriole

Red-eyed Vireo

Yellow Warbler

Cape May Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Pine Warbler

Tennessee Warbler

Wilson's Warbler

Cedar Waxwing

It is exciting to think about who will show up next or which birds I will see in my yard that I’ve only heard so far. Fall migration is when I get most of my new surprises but hopefully I do not have to wait that long for the next one.

Indigo Bunting

Around the Neighborhood in Early Spring

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It took a while, but spring is finally here — though it still seems to be fighting with winter. I knew that the nice weekend we had in early March was just a folly, but I did not think that it would be this tough! After some nice weather the birds started to move, only to be stopped by more bad weather. Migration is slow, but the birds are slowly trickling in. Earlier this week, I wrote about my birding trips that involved migrating birds and fallout. Today I want to share some of my local year-round residents and new arrivals.


The Song Sparrows are filling the air with the variety of their tunes!

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Juncos have been hanging around in full force. I get over 20 at a time under my feeders. I am glad they they do not eat from the feeders otherwise they would clean me out! I had multiple incidents where over 30 Juncos would fly from one single area. They are everywhere!

Dark-eyed Juncos

Dark-eyed Juncos

I enjoyed the songs of Fox Sparrows for the first time. They hung around for over two weeks and I had up to six at a time near my creek when they flew right at.

One of many Fox Sparrows who passed through

One of many Fox Sparrows who passed through


I still have some Pine Siskins hanging around at the feeders with the Goldfinches (who, by the way are starting to look very gold!).

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

The lingering Redpolls wish they moved on sooner. I suppose they learned the hard way that staying south did not mean sunshine and warm weather.

Common Redpoll in a rain storm

Common Redpoll in a rain storm

My newest feeder-bird arrival is the Purple Finch. I started with just one for about a week and yesterday I had three pairs.

Purple Finch

Purple Finch


Every walk at the creek produces at least one Common Merganser. I was able to get pretty close to them at times just by staying still near the edge of the woods.

Male Common Merganser

Male Common Merganser

Female Common Merganser

Female Common Merganser

For the first time, I had Geese across the street from me. I think the creek was too high and rough for them so they wandered a little bit in search for food.

Canada Geese across the street

Canada Geese across the street


The Pileated Woodpeckers seem to be a bit less shy then usual when they are looking for insects.

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Since I had no tripod I layed down on the ground across from him and used a stump and my knees to keep the camera steady so that I could shoot this video

I’m pretty sure that I found the nesting cavity for my local Red-bellied Woodpeckers. They are hanging around this tree and especially this cavity an awful lot!

Red-bellied Woodpecker at possible Nest

Red-bellied Woodpecker at possible Nest

Other local birds

The air is also full of the loud songs of my Carolina Wrens.

Singing Carolina Wren

Singing Carolina Wren

Brown Creepers are everywhere.

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper

And last week marked the return of my favorite flycatcher, the Phoebe.

Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe

This past weekend I also had a long-awaited yard bird: while standing in my driveway talking to a friend an adult Bald Eagle flew low following along the creek. This happened not ten minutes after my friend and I were talking about having Eagles as yard birds. Talking about being at the right place at the right time!

Backyard Birds: Woodpeckers

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I’m going to start a series on my blog for Backyard Birds with a journal full of related birds who are regular visitors or have shown up in my yard. My official yard list is 85 species – this includes 72 species who actually landed in my yard (feeders, trees, grass) with the rest seen flying over and a few who I’ve only heard from my yard. I’ll start with Woodpeckers and allies in the Picidae family.

For the longest time, I only had two regular species, the Downy and Hairy Woodpecker. I can get a few pairs at a time on a good day!

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

These two often lead to identification problems since they basically look the same to the untrained eye, and have subtle size differences. They visit so often that I was actually able to get some photos of them in the same frame for better comparison.

Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers

A comparison of a Hairy and Downy Woodpecker

I’ve had Red-bellied Woodpeckers show up from time-to-time, but not enough to call them regulars until this past fall. Though, something weird happened – for a couple of weeks, I only had a female visiting.

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker female

Then suddenly a male showed up and the female disappeared. I have not seen her since, but I do see him pretty much every day now. The change happened in a couple of days, so it was not molting changes! I wonder what happened?

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker male

I also had Northern Flickers show up around my yard – in the trees or on the ground looking for ants, but I never had one on my feeders. And I am still waiting to get a great shot of them!

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

Also, during migration, I tend to get Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers passing by. They tend to stick around the trees that border the woods, so I lack a good backyard photo. I guess the trees around my yard are not sappy enough for them, even though it seems to pour out of a few in the fall.

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers

And last, but far from being least, is the most desired Woodpecker in my area. I often hear Pileated Woodpeckers and see them in my woods. And then one day I caught this male on my feeders! Even though I see them all the time, this was a one-time occurrence. Though, I do not leave suet in that same cage feeder anymore (I now have all suet hanging near my deck, out of the sun)

Pileated Woodpecker

This Pileated Woodpecker found my feeder!

I have yet to have a Red-headed Woodpecker visit and have only seen them twice – once was in my county! They are a bit rare for my area, but I am hoping for my yard to attract one some day soon!

In the summer, I am graced with the young ones from my Downy and Hairy couples – and hopefully this summer my Red-bellied will find a mate and also bring his young. They tend to feed right under my deck – in the safety of cover. It is quite a treat to see!

Hairy Woodpecker with fledglings

Hairy Woodpecker with fledglings at a feeder under my deck

Hairy Woodpecker feeding fledgling

Hairy Woodpecker feeding fledgling on my deck

The Woodpeckers share such tender moments with their young, by they can be pretty feisty to both each other….

Downy Woodpeckers

Downy Woodpeckers dual on a branch at my feeders

And to other larger birds…

Hairy Woodpecker and Blue Jay

Hairy Woodpecker trying to fight off a Blue Jay.

Hairy Woodpecker with Starling

Hairy Woodpecker trying to fight off a Starling.

All-in-all, I really enjoy my Woodpecker visitors and I hope you did too!