Volunteering for the Biggest Week

Posted on by Melissa Penta

For the past two years, I had the honor of being on the blogging team for The Biggest Week in American Birding. I am attending the festival again this year and will continue my position as a volunteer. I will also be more active on social media in general for the event, so look out for bird-filled photos and posts from me!

Are you interested in contributing to the greatest spring event around? There are currently many positions to be filled including Registration Packet Assembly, manning tables and being desk hosts, field trip leaders, trip bus drivers and more. Every effort helps make this festival a huge success. You even get some perks out of it like FREE registration, a festival t-shirt and a bag full of festival goodies. The best part is knowing that you helped an event that thousands of people from all around the world come to. More information can be found at the Biggest Week website.

Registration will open very soon – you will want to register quick because field trips fill up fast. You can go on guided bird walks and van trips, boat and canoe trips and you can also have the chance to go on trips with some of the biggest names in birding. If you need a break in the afternoon, there are various bonus presentations being offered as well as workshops and evening keynote speakers. Free with your registration are daily guided walks around Magee Marsh, evening socials, a birder’s marketplace, bird banding programs and more!

What makes birding here so different than anywhere else? Not only is the energy above the clouds, but you will see tons of birds. Magee Marsh is full of bright and colorful migrants.

Cape May Warbler

The Cape May Warbler is one of many birds you will see

If a rare bird is seen in the area, you can get notified with the details on Twitter  by following @BiggestWeek.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks nearby? Relax! You will know about it.

It’s not just Magee Marsh – you can explore other parks and preserves that the area has to offer.


This Sora was foraging at Pearson Metropark, right next to our car

Cliff Swallows

Cliff Swallows at the bridge to Maume Bay Lodge

If there is an owl in the area, you will know about it. Who DOESN’T like owls?

Eastern Screech-Owl

An Eastern Screech-Owl is always hanging out above the boardwalk

And, of course, you will meet some pretty great people, including some of birding’s top birders and book authors. Oh.. and did I mention the BIRDS??

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler at Magee Marsh

Prothonotary Warbler

This Prothonotary Warbler makes many appearances

I really hope to see you there!

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